Sunday, November 20, 2011

day 3 & 4: a song that makes you sad/reminds you of someone

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@Abigail: OH YEAH WMYB FTW!!!! <3

shall do both of 'em since it's already... 12 midnight.
day 3!
sad song... :(

yup. lady antebellum's need you now.
i don't know, i just remember listening to it when i was really sad...
and i cried myself to sleep with this song playing.
those emo times.

day 4!
a song that reminds you of someone.

you can let go by bsb's pretty old-school, but listen to the lyrics.
honestly whenever i listen to songs i always watch a lyrics video first.
words mean so much more than pictures.
the lyrics to this song are really powerful, and it reminds me of gillian (goh)...
i remember i asked her to listen to this song and hear the lyrics 'cos she was really hurt by someone in that point of time.
i believe words have so much power.


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