not that i am infallible and perfect, but seriously people really have issues.
i can't believe i was once intrigued by the study of human behaviour and psychology.
now i'm just like seriously screw you okay, i don't give a damn about anything related to humans and people and mankind and homosapiens because i freaking swear i hate people.
you get it?
i don't HATE anyone in particular okay, but people in general.
how people do things.
how people behave.
how people respond.
how people talk.
how people treat others (of their kind).
how people act.
i swear we humans are nothing but problems.
so much for being the most civilized group of living creatures that inhabit this earth.
sometimes i think even a dog knows how to behave better than humans when given the command.
we prestige ourselves to be the most sophisticated, mannered, poised and whatnot but just look at the kind of behaviours we exhibit ourselves as humans.
first and foremost i think we are seriously selfish.
selfish in the sense that we are so accustomed to thinking that "this world revolves around me and me alone so i am not going to care about the others because as long as i survive that's all that matters".
we can never seem to put others before ourselves (even while typing this very sentence i screwed up the order of typing by accident and out came "put ourselves before others", just proved my point).
nor do we actually make the effort to.
so much for raising ourselves on a pedestal and crowning ourselves with the titles of kindness and compassion when we don't even spare a thought for others when we do things.
it's not entirely radical in that sense, but think about it.
how much are you willing to forgo for someone?
how much are you going to sacrifice for someone?
each person has their own boundaries depending on the person in context, but undoubtedly there is still a line drawn between the distance we will go for someone, no matter how important they are to us.
secondly humans lack respect.
and when i mean respect i mean basic manners like "good morning", "hello", "please" and "thank you".
i admit that i myself am not entirely well-mannered nor am i some prim and proper princess who curtsies to everyone i see out there.
i don't understand why and this is the one thing that infuriates me most about people - the fact that you show no due respect to your own kind.
i mean seriously, i think animals exhibit better behaviour than we do.
do you ever see a puppy barking (or whimpering for that matter) back at its mother?
obviously not right.
i don't know where we got our defiance from, but seriously we are not that cool if you think about it.
being human and humane are so close yet so far apart.
i mean who can't be human? we are ALL human anyway.
but being humane, merely requires the addition of just an 'e', is something we are far from attaining as humans.
our words cut each other like knives slitting through our throats, our actions hurt each other like open wounds after a battle.
who cares a hoot about how we all feel?
"as long as i can live, i will fight my way through, fight for it and fight against them.." - this has become the modern-day adage of humans.
we are so self-centered and disrespectful it disgusts me.
so much for reverence.
thirdly humans are far too extreme.
we come in so many different forms it's never possible to reach a conclusion.
some are too domineering and some are too quiet.
let the domineering bitch conquer you? no way in hell can you ever command the respect of your peers.
let the softspoken little girl conquer you? no way in hell can you ever get things done.
so what??????????
who do i choose?
the fact that it is the natural convention of two extreme sides "yes" and "no".
and in the human world you can only say yes or no with no intermediate in between accepted as an answer.
lastly humans are hypocrites through and through.
and this revolves back to the fact that we are all selfish.
we care about superficial things like our image and all rather than bothering to strengthen the inter-personal bonds.
it's like how friends are just people with common interests.
after you know what it feels like to not have each other for so long you just give up and move on and find someone else new.
sometimes friends are never true friends simply because we depend on each other for that moment in time when we just need "anyone" to be there.
i have such a warped perception of friendship now but who the hell cares.
anyway today i've also learnt that there are some things that are just meant to be.
it's fate you can say, and we shouldn't force things to go against its natural flow.
i believe that what is yours will rightfully be yours.
personally i'm the kind to fight for what i believe is right but not for the things that i think i deserve.
contradictory and sad at the same time.
doesn't really matter i guess because i believe my life has already been planned out for me (i'm not christian btw) and i will just accept, learn, and grow in whatever way i can. xx