Saturday, February 2, 2013

jae posting 2013 + first day of school!

just wanna update bits of what's happening in my life right now hahaha.
afraid i won't be able to find the time to do so once i get really busy...

so yeah woke up to the text on thursday morning with the posting results out already.
moe is crazy fast omg i got my sms at like 7am...
so yup my posting result was kinda expected, thus i wasn't really alarmed/shocked/surprised.
anw on another note, i'm really thankful to have been posted to srjc :)
because apparently, this year the cut-off point has been improved to 12, so i'm really grateful to be posted here!
and also many ppl who wanted srjc didn't manage to get in, so i really really have been blessed.
to all those trying to appeal i wish you all the best ok!!!
i really hope you guys get into srjc based on merit, talent, or aptitude!
so yeah after getting my posting results i immediately went online to the nyjc website to submit the online appeal to the school!
apparently for nyjc, the "first round" is to be shortlisted through this online appeal exercise, and if you get through you'd then move to the "second round" of interviews.
and obviously there'd be like hundreds of people trying for nyjc appeal, my chances of getting are really slim.
not trying to give myself any false hopes, just painting a realistic picture for myself.
anyway i did try to write my best about my secondary school achievements, so if fate has decided that i pass the first round, then yeah i'm really lucky :)
so yup spent the rest of the day with yingxia having bak kut teh at clarke quay and then going back to school to collect the school magazine :)
thanks yx for the final day out spent before jc starts sighhhh :(

and then on friday, it was my first day of school at srjc.
again i say i am really lucky, because i had a pl-lite in the same orientation group as me!
it's really cool how there are 16 pl girls in srjc btw!
and out of 40 over OGs, i have someone i'm familiar with for these few days of orientation!
i was so awkward that morning standing at the bus stop waiting for xiaohui and phoebe.
'cos the band girls were talking and i really didn't have anything in common so i just stood there like a retard using my phone lollll.
so we went up to the hall rather early, like 7.15!
and it was so annoying 'cos the gathering time was like actually 7.45...
dk why they made it so early...
so that kinda put my mood off 'cos i was really tired and so so so exhausted from the lack of sleep...
sang the national anthem and took the pledge, continuing on with a series of talks from various principals and hods.
it was rather dry 'cos i really wasn't fully awake ugh...
they also showcased a mass dance and taught us the school cheer, but i was really not in the right state of mind so i couldn't catch up with the lyrics.
had group introductions at the rock wall area behind the hall.
there were 12 girls and 8 boys in our group, but up till now i still can't catch all their names...
well at least half i know?
and so it came to college tour where we could finally roam around.
it was almost like open house again!!!
but really, the student councillor during open house was really soooo impressive she was the one that made me wanna join srjc hahaha!
so anw, this time we actually walked around the school in more detail and really the best thing about srjc is that everywhere is a conducive environment to study.
and they have awesome milo and SPECIALISED MILO VENDING MACHINES.
i'm actually quite happy to be in sr :)
played icebreakers there after and got myself familiar with everyone's names and faces now...
hmmm there's chermaine, vanessa, joyce, ashikin, eric, andy, clevence, royston, zhi xian, kah meng, cherie(s), yu ning, annie, doreen....
ok can that's all i remember for now.
we played the r.o.c.k game, island game and hunter squirrel (??? yeah but you get the idea).
interacted with everyone including our ogls (gerard and axel) a lot!!!
it was a nice time bonding and trying to get to know everyone through such simple games :)
pardon me for spelling errors with the names i'm not good with names verbally...
had lunch with e7 og and bought tom yam noodles sigh i need to stop this addiction.
so axel talked to us pretty much about jc life....
econs and promo stuff.
it was pretty useful, and kinda mental prep for retaining hahaha.
met up with the pl gang and also chatted with the chij girls and ashikin :)
still a bit awkward but aiya!
had more talks on subject combination and sale of uniform...
it was pretty insane how we had to submit our subject combinations just THAT NIGHT.
less than a day to complete it please!!!
but luckily i had set my mind very early about what to take, so i just hope i get my first choice i don't really want to take history/geog anymore.
i pray i get my h2 chem, h2 bio, h2 math and h1 econs!!!!
bcme ftw.
yeah ended off with this weird orientation tutor meet-up thing 'cos it was just really short and awkward...
and pointless in fact.
so ya there were subject booths set up to for us to enquire about subject combination and all :)
headed down to school after that to get my testimonial up and ready by monday in preparation for the appeal.
even if i don't make it i can always keep it for other uses, like maybe entry to uni next time or smth!
thank you ms wong for rushing out the testimonial for me!!!! :-)

so ya, to be very honest, i like srjc.
a lot.
i really like the fact that they have plenty of study corners in school a lot :)
it's really a good environment, and my ogls and everyone else seems really friendly!
so it's good too~
the food looks really great 'cos there's really a HUGE variety.
the canteen itself i think has almost 10 stalls, and they have 2 more additional cafes, plus a service centre (?) where they sell snacks.
like our ex-pl perisseia hahaha!
the teachers seem really approachable too, so i guess it's really a blessing for me to be in serangoon.
really :)
at first i might have shunned at the name, but honestly, i don't have a choice.
and it's really just about accepting what i have currently!
no point trying to fight for entry into a jc that i obviously do not meet the cut-off point right?
if i can't change my past, why not do something about the future?
i can change my perspectives on srjc, and that is to look at it in a positive light, instead of being stuck in my own misery of not making it to my desired college.
to tell the truth, i have mixed feelings about my appeal to nyjc.
sometimes i feel like i should just drop the appeal, because i have long accepted srjc as my college, and abandoned all thoughts about other colleges.
but, trying won't do harm too.
so i'll just wait for the results and see what fate has in store for me.
but still, no point trying for something that isn't meant for me right?
i'm not going to be stubborn.

anyway on a side note i really want official school to start right now.
i'm crazy bored during orientation (hehehe completely honest here)
hate making new friends 'cos i'm always so awkward sigh.
rather excited for lectures and all :-)

and did i mention i really miss my pl girls...?
miss my clique, my dearest prefects, my cca..... everything.
i really miss everything about pl.

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see you all soon my dears :)