Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hello, just doing this quiz for fun.
Requested by Yee Wah :D
It's 11.13p.m and she has forced me to do this.
Radiant, Jillian & Yee Wah are @ my house for SLEEPOVER!
I'll blog about the Playtime some other time.
I'm lazy -.-
Yee Wah, I know you are crazy over Wang Zi :)

1. Full name? Jamie. I'm too lazy to give you my full name. -.-
2. Male or Female? Feminity. :)
3. Were you named after someone? I don't think so, maybe a jar of jam? Or maybe Jamie Oliver? :D
4. Does your name mean anything? Don't know & don't care.
5. Nicknames? Jam, Mushroom Head.
6. What do you think you look like? My hair looks like a mushroom, I wear white glasses & I am kinda thin -.-
7. Date of Birth? 22 October.
8. Place of Birth & Current Location? -_-" Dumbest question ever.
9. Nationality? I won't say, but I wish to be Toad's twin.
10. Astrological sign? Libra, the weird scale.
11. Chinese Astrological sign? Huh?
12. Religion? Free thinker, but I believe in God and don't go to church.
13. Butter frying? No idea.
14. Political Position? Mushroom.
15. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Horlicks :D
16. Hair and Eye Colour? Black and brown.
17. Do you look like anyone famous? HAHAHAH :D If I were I'll probably getting some autographs from crazed fans. :/
18. What do you think you look like? A mushroom.
19. Any unusual talents? Is typing fast considered one? No, I don't think so. NO WAIT! I can tease Yee Wah about Wang Zi until she goes mad. :D
20. Righty, Lefty, Ambidextrous? Righty.
21. Gay, Straight, Bi or other? Straight, DUH!
22. What do you do for a living? Begging my parents for cash.
23. What do you do for fun? Read Shopaholics, Teasing YEE WAH, doodle and sleep.
24. What are your favourite materials to work with? My coloured markers & the computer :D
25. What materials would you like to work with? Huh?
26. Have you met your grandparents? I have met all of them. But I only met my maternal grandfather when I was a munchkin. So I can't remember how he looked like. Lol.
27. Boyfriend/Girlfriend? RETARDED THING FOR MY AGE.
28. Crush? ___ from BSM. :D
29. What celebrity would you date with? ____ from BSM. Ahh, he's so much better than _____.
30. Current worries? The fact that Yee Wah won't accept Wang Zi :)
31. Favourite online guy or girl? -_-" Stupid question.
32. Favourite place to be? Out in the mall with some cash.
33. Least favourite place to be? Coffee shop toilet, thanks Yee Wah :D
34. Do you burn or tan? No.
35. Ever broke a bone? No.
36. What is your favourite cereal? I hate cornflakes.
37. Person you cry with? Ah, interesting.
38. Any Sisters? A cute but pretty spoilt sister.
39. Any Brothers? No, and I don't wish to have.
40. Any pets? Some fish.
41. An Illness? I am very prone to flu.
42. A Pager? WTH - -
43. A Personal Phone? Handphone? Yes.
44. A Cell Phone? (See Q43)
45. A visible birthmark? Yes. It's on my left thigh and my mum says that it looks like a continent. WTH?
46. A pool or a hot tub? None.
47. A car? No...
48. Personality? Prone to laughter (but my case is better than Yee Wah), like to crack some really retarded jokes and no one laugh about 'em.
49. ?
50. Clothing Style? FOS-er, black tights, Bobby Jack.
51. ?
52. What's missing? Freedom and time to do this quiz.
53. Describe School? Rocks with friends, sucks when scolded.
54. Bedtime? 10+ pm.
55. Relationship with your parents? Close :D
56. Do you believe in yourself? My confidence, I believe, when I know I can, I will.
57. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes, for some cases.
58. Are you a good listener? I think so.
59. Have a future dream you wanna share? No.
60. Get along with your parents? Yes.
61. Save your e-mail messages? Hmm, all I can say for this is STOP SENDING ME RETARDED CHAIN MAILS.
62. Pray? Yes, thank God for my life.
63. Believe in reincarnation? No, God has already planned my life :)
64. Brush your teeth twice a day? Yes.
65. Like to talk on the phone? Yes, Yi Qing is may chatmate, record is 2 hours :D
66. Like to eat? Yes, but I have a pretty small appetite :D I eat very little :)
67. Like to exercise? I like to swim. I loathe running, I am really afraid of 2.4km next year >:(
68. Like to watch sports? BASKETBALL! OMG! It rocks a lot :)
69. Sing in the car? Crazy?
70. What is a dream you have all the time? Meet Lollipop! (I actually have very little interest in Taiwanese bands, but BSM convinced me that they aren't that bad after all :D )
71. Do you dream in colour? All the time.
72. Do you have nightmares? When I was a little kid.
73. Sleep with a stuffed animal? No.
74. Right next to you? Yee Wah, Radiant & Jillian :D
75. Favourite cup of coffee? Hate coffee.
76. ?
77. Your favourite flavour of Gum? Grape.
78. Your favourite brand of deodorant? I don't use deodorant.
79. Your dream honeymoon spot? I have airborne sickness. The Singapore Zoo would be good :)
80. Your dream world? Swathing in luxury, air-con turned on wherever I will be, with the best computers around.
81. Hiding in your closet? Clothes.
82. Hiding under your bed? Three drawers.
83. The name of one of your closest friends? Radiant.
84. Your bad time of the day? When I get provoked.
85. Your worst fear? Heights and roaches. *SHUDDER*
86. What's the weather like? Normal.
87. Your favourite time of the year? Summer.
88. Your favourite holiday? Nov-Dec breaks.
89. A Material Weakness? Money?
90. The weirdest food you like to eat? I don't consume 'em.
91. At the top of your To-Do list? Get a Toad Collage done.
92. The hardest thing about growing up? Getting laughed at. -.-
93. A Pet Peeve? Huh?
94. Your scariest moment? When Yee Wah mispronounced _____.
95. Your attitude towards love? Interesting.
96. The funniest or most embarrassing moment you have done for the opposite sex? Nothing.
97. The Worst feeling in the world? Lazy.
98. The Best feeling in the world? When I get a PPC.
99. Who sent this to you? Found it on Madeline's blog.
100. Send this to six people:
Anne, Mei Ta, Jermaine, Wei Ye, Casmine, Yi Qing :D

That's all folks :D

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