Monday, April 21, 2008

21 April 2008

Just like to say a few thank-yous to some people:

Rong Shan - Thank you for showing your circles picture! It really
made me laugh till I cried! :DD

Angeline - Thank you for sending that picture to me. I chuckled while looking at it! [x

Joey - Thank you for offering me 5 Yupi-Gummys and the peanuts too! Really made my day~ ((:

Yi Qing - Thank you for making me laugh like a mad woman today! XD Your words are truly the funniest! ^^

Sharon - Thank you for giving me the Bible and may God bless you too!

Radiant - Thank you for making all your sound effects that make me and others ROAR! :P

*P.S : If I forgot your name, really sorry! Just wanna thank God too for placing people like them in my life! Thank you everyone! :DD

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