Friday, September 4, 2015

one month into school

hello hello!!!
can't believe i haven't been on blogger for the past one month since school started.
i've been dayre-ing so much that i'm kinda lazy to update this space anymore hahaha.
dayre is so much more convenient/user-friendly 'cos it's so cute with the whole daily concept added on with super adorable/apt stickers!

love it.

anyway this is my first sign-in on blogger since i got my macbook so...

hello errbady!!!!! this is legit my just-woke-up face because i just got out of the bed about 5 minutes ago and i just got started on breakfast now lol.

ok so anyway, the idea of school starting is pretty overwhelming and i haven't exactly got used to that idea yet.
i really hate change so i'm not exactly for the idea of making new friends and being thrown into an entirely foreign environment.

so far, these 4 weeks of school have been rather interesting.
there's something which i'm most proud of, which is me being able to keep awake/not doze off AT ALL during any of my lectures!!!! *pops champagne and throws confetti*
totally unlike me in college where i dozed off at every damn lecture i'm not even kidding i hated the things i studied so much that i barely scraped through that hellhole.

i'm so super thankful that i decided to study something i really enjoyed.
and i'm again, lucky that my passion was my (only) strength.
i really suck at science and math-related stuff so i think i would've hated school even more than i do now if i actually decided to continue to tread the conventional path of studying science.

so far i really enjoy what i'm learning in linguistics.
language and brain disorders, word structure and meaning, phonetics (though this is hard but it's slowly getting better i guess!) and also language AND FOOD WHEWWW :)
my elective this semester that i chose was language and food, which is really interesting because these two topics are so commonly used everyday but kind of neglected. and also how fascinating cross-cultural food customs can be!

didn't want to be too stressed out this semester since school just started, so i decided to opt for an elective from my course as well. hopefully i don't flunk it too bad.

though it's only the first month of school and it's still early to say, seniors have been saying that linguistics is a pretty "slack" course.
not that we're damn lepak or what but i'm very thankful for our truncated timetable!
a 3-day work week means that i get 4 consecutive days of weekend, and also my days are fully utilized from morning till evening (which means my transport fee & time is made worthwhile as well).
no point travelling all the way to school just for a single class/lecture right?

putting everything positive about school aside, there's always the downsides which i cannot close one eye to.
i really hate the whole idea of socialising and making new friends and most importantly class participation omg.
totally not an extroverted person who vocalises all my thoughts and ideas to everyone?
i don't get the whole idea of class participation points - so are you trying to say that people who are unable/unwilling to voice out their opinions are less capable than others??
i feel that this "graded class participation" thing is forced upon us and it is plain irrational and pointless that you make every single student in the class speak up. what time do we have in a 1hr tutorial to be fighting for the chance to say something?
some people just process thoughts better in their head so why would you force someone to behave in a way that they're not comfortable with?
and just so you know, there ARE such things as "stupid questions".

making friends is just.... omg.
let me put that straight, i don't hate people but i hate the idea of MAKING friends.
i'm just like sigh, leave me back alone in my comfort zone.
i can't keep up with all the socializing and then balancing that with my academics aasdfghjkl.
i'm getting old haha i don't even know how to explain this phenomenon but yes just know that i absolutely detest MAKING friends T_T  (lol i need to constantly caps the making lest people get the wrong idea)
maybe because i'm such an introvert sigh lol i am weird.
take me back to jc pls :'(

but anyway speaking of friends, i'm glad to have found a small circle of friends from my class aka tutorial group!
actually after one month of school, i think that my class is kinda fun and i actually want to try and bond with them (LOL all that contradiction in the world)
the people seem pretty nice and friendly - maybe i just need some time to warm up.
i'm still close to freezing point right now haha i am so anti-social kill me pls.

but anyway yeah these girls are so far nice friends i've made :')
so thankful to have y'all around during class!!!
see y'all next week again hehe.

ok to round up, school might be a drudgery in some aspects but ultimately i enjoy what i'm studying and i guess i'm slowly getting used to the environment and the people around me?
glad that the first month in school has passed rather smoothly and here's to a great semester ahead!

p.s. quizzes and assignments are slowly piling up oh no better do them properly to save my gap hahaha
