this week was probably one of the best ones of the year.
yeah because it was my birthday!
well, not because i expected a truck-load of wishes and presents from everyone, but because after the day i turned seventeen, i realised how truly, truly blessed i am.
maybe you could say that whatever happened on my birthday really made up for this whole entire year.
this week honestly made my day (alongside with other things that has happened too!) :)
so yes i turned seventeen last tuesday, 22nd october!
indeed i have received much gifts and cards (and especially cakes), but what i have actually received aren't just the superficial gifts alone, they are the love and care that go way beyond the physical present itself.
i don't even know where i should begin because i am honestly so touched hahahaha.
hmmm instead of blogging in the usual chronological order, i shall do a series of thank-yous for various groups of people :-)
#1 my class clique

yes these are the lovely bunch of girls who bought me the cool attention-seeking happy birthday helium balloon (and a decoy one to totally fool me about it), 2 twelve cupcakes and the sweetest letters/cards ever.
i might not have been all that surprised because i know you guys love me a lot and will do something for me *inserts my whole ego here* okay kidding hahaha!
but yeah, it does not mean that i am any less grateful. :-)
do you know how touched i was by your letters?
yes, to jennee, thank you for making the coolest card i have ever seen in my whole entire life. (till now i'm still figuring out how many papers it took you...)
and the words and pictures in it are really so heartwarming :')
when i read what you wrote i couldn't help but go "awww i love you too".
thank you so much for the pair of sky blue converse sneakers, they are really really pretty and i like it very much.
thank you baby :-)
and vanessa, your letter was indeed very touching.
i was really on the verge of tears because whatever advice you penned down for me was really so relevant to me.
besides the advice, i am really grateful for you because i know you will always have my back :')
"screw the haters, love the fans (like you)" - yes vanessa thank you sooo much it was honestly such a simple but beautiful letter!
and maria, the few words you've written i am grateful for.
i really am heartened by that one line you wrote, about my values.
thank you for being one of my longest but most loyal friend to me and i am really going to miss you next year, a lot.
miss you mama maria :')
and mavis, thank you for the effort you've put in to wanting to bake totoro cupcakes for me!!!
though it might not have succeeded, thanks for trying your best and i know you have the heart :')
#2 guitar exco

to my second closest bunch of friends in college, thank you for the birthday surprise and a slice of strawberry shortcake/cheesecake!
i was honestly very very shocked at how fast you guys came down to sing a birthday song for me after xiaohui/jasley called you all!!
thank you guys for the prompt response ahhh you guys really made me happy!
and guess what hahaha they threw me into the deyuan omggg!
see instagram for embarrassing full video :'(
and yes this was me after barely making it back onto dry land.
sorry it's a bit dark hahah i guess 'cos it was under natural lighting...

and yes this is the wet exco photo.

oh goodness you all ahhhh hahahaha!
and below are a few more post-dunk photos :P

thanks jasley for the really cute card filled with kwangsoo-popups and also my unglams omg hahahaha!!

^ oops the natural light again hahaha sorry!
and thanks gary for appearing in the photos even as much as you hate taking pics hahahaha!
anyway yeah thank you to the exco who made my birthday so extraordinary because i guess this will be the first and last time i will ever be thrown into the deyuan! (my birthday falls on deepavali next year, i checked HAHAHAHA)
and next year i guess we'd all be busy preparing for a levels, so yes, i am very thankful you guys made my birthday this year a really special one despite the fact that you guys aren't the ones i spend the most time with :)
so thank you exco and here's to the greater times and louder laughters in the future :')
thank you srge exco '13-'14 love you all!
#3 pl-sr gang

to these girls whom i have been together for four years plus another two, thank you for the birthday surprise with a slice of strawberry shortcake/cheesecake!!! (yes until now i have no idea which group gave me which but anyway xiaohui said it doesn't matter)
thank you for actually organising the whole celebration (though it was short) and i'm grateful that i have these familiar faces around in school to make me feel less afraid when i'm in sr :-)
though we don't see each other often, i hope that being the feeling of attachment to pl would still hold us strongly together :-)
#4 cool peeps

to the three other girls that have been my close friends for almost five years now, thank you for having dinner with me, giving me a clique pen and stickers and socks, writing me the sweetest and most most most touching cards ever and buying me a cake from the icing room to celebrate my birthday!!! :)

kudos to stacy and yx's (not really) decorating skills omg it was such a pretty cake, thanks guys :')
we had hot tomato for dinner and talked over tasty cake and hearty laughters up at the sky garden of nex!
finally got to meet up with them for dinner after ages!
thank you guys for your shared presents and cake, and of course the best cards that each of you have written for me :')
sheryl, as much as your handwriting screws up the card (always), i still love you very very much.
another card filled with the best advice from the best friend :')
i swear you never change, the random magazine cut-outs of fruits and veggies are so retarded but yeah that's you :P
for the first time you actually wrote me such a long card aww i'm touched :')
thank you boob~
stacy, your sad letter honestly made my eyes well up with tears.
fatty, maybe that could really be the sad truth, but let me assure you that you will always have me to talk to 24/7 :')
we can always get together to prepare for a's!
yes our meet-ups maybe short and rare, but i cherish them so much and i feel that whatever we've been through together will never be erased this easily :')
so have faith fats thank you for the sweet letter i love you!
yingxia, the girl who wrote me a card on 1 square paper from paper market without decorating much because i know she thinks the paper is fanciful enough due to the price hahahaha!
another long, touching letter from you and seeing you express everything you want to say to me in a simple yet concise manner really makes me feel that you've grown up :')
whatever you've said in the letter really makes me feel like tearing up everytime i go back to read it.
and don't worry about promotion i'm sure you'll do fine :')
love you yingxia i hope to see you soon again!
yes so that pretty much sums up my seventeenth.
and this is not all; the gratitude i have is simply too deep to be put into words (or maybe because i can't)
and it is not about the presents i've got, but the love the people around me have shown towards me. :-)
feeling beyond blessed on this very special day.
so thank you to everyone else who has made it so memorable for me!
on a side note, thank you to ion orchard for selecting my instagram entry of the #ionfashionconcert!!!
thought it was a scam but i guess not!
can't wait for my autographed crazy world album and my poster to arrive!
thank you ion you just made my day even brighter :')
i'll blog about commendation day soon ok?
till then! :)